But my thought of MOVIE..was really changed after I watched this movie.. although it's too late to make-up on something that was already 'basi'.. huhh.. I dun mind at all.. Satisfaction is what I'm seeking for and yeah..I got it! Frankly, I dun eva get bored watching this movie.. 5tymes a day! for a person that so not into movies like me.. it's such a big surprise! For a person who can't hardly wait to know the ending of the story.. It's totally weird to hear that she keeps on repeating the same movie (the same ending for sure)...

TWILIGHT! this is where my craziness lies.. For the first tyme, I'm sooo in luv with movie.. the story line was very good.. not like an ordinary love story...that full of flowers and stuffs..it is more to action-adventure-sweet-modern love story.. The Cullens were great loving vampires happy family.. I like Alice Cullen..the personality and her style.. Edward Cullen? OMG! He's my eye-candy..my heartthrob.. I dun like Edward bcuz of the look at the first place (to mention again; the look is the bonus for him..hihi~).. but it is more to how protective he is to Bella.. and not forget to credit on the romantic moments.. the eyes..the smile.. owh..seems like Timberlake had found his rival..hihihi..

I've seen the New Moon's trailer.. the next adventure of Twilight is going to be great.. with warewolves.. owwwoooouuu!! but not sure whether it can replace Twilight in me.. As what I've read thru the New Moon synopsis; Edward will leave Bella and the Cullens will move to a new place far from Forks..and this makes Bella depressed for months and get close to Jacob.. but she still luv Edward.. I have a feeling that I'm going to bring tissues for the New Moon.. sob..sob..sob..
Anyway guys.. juz wait for it this November.. quite a long way to go huhh... Anyway.. I think that's all from me for now... Good luck for the Final result kayh.. May it will be as nice as a New Moon for the next new semester.... See u later.. Happy Hols ;)